Future So Bright

2016 Dog Horoscope Predictions

Article posted on September 11, 2013 and it has been read by 37467 people

2016 Dog HoroscopeThe Dog horoscope for 2016 predicts that this will be an excellent year for love and relationships. Expect to do a lot of socializing on the personal as well as professional front. Be careful in trusting people and take extra care of your health.

The career predictions for 2016 forecast an excellent year for the Chinese Dog sign. There will be many important corporate events that will demand your attention. But do not get carried away by people who flatter you all the time.

Wealth forecasts for the Chinese Dog are good in the Year of the Horse. Money will come in from unexpected sources.

Love and relationships will form an important part of the Dog zodiac sign’s life. The Chinese 2016 horoscope predicts new relationships and better understanding in already existing partnerships.

Health will be overall good for the Dog zodiac other than the side effects of overindulgence in eating and drinking habits.

The Chinese astrology horoscopes 2016 for the Dog animal sign thus predict a year of merriment in the Year of the Green Wood Horse.


2016 Chinese Horoscopes
2016 Rat Horoscope Ox Horoscope 2016 Tiger Horoscope 2016 Rabbit 2016 Horoscope 2016 Dragon Horoscope 2016 Snake Horoscope
The Rat The Ox The Tiger The Rabbit The Dragon The Snake
2016 Horse Horoscope Sheep Horoscope 2016 2016 Monkey Horoscope Rooster 2016 Horoscope 2016 Dog Horoscope Pig 2016 Horoscope
The Horse The Sheep The Monkey The Rooster The Dog The Pig






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leah may juanillo
its really fantastic .. great year for me eh? haha