Future So Bright

Improve Your Career With Genuine Feng Shui Tips

Article posted on June 29, 2012 and it has been read by 13853 people

Feng Shui - the Chinese art of interior decoration examines the how the placement of things and objects affects the energy flow within our house. It also refers to how these objects interact and influence our personal energy flow. Career and finance is something about which everybody is concerned about.


Feng Shui Water In Rock Garden

The lower middle corner of the ba-gua signifies the career corner in Feng Shui. This is the portion through which is used by almost all the people to enter their house. The lower middle corner of the ba-gua is the corner which represents your career, profession and your job prospects. The Chinese correlates the 'in-flow' of wealth to their house and in their lives as well with this corner, as this is the portion of the house which refers to jobs that will bring in money and wealth. So by using certain principles you can bring the most out of this area.

1. The career corner at home is generally represented by the color black. A full room or even a portion of it cannot be painted black. But it is good to have black accents or touches of black color in the room or that portion of the house which has the career corner. You can place a black statue or a black vase in that area.


2. The element of the career corner is water. So it is recommendable to have aquariums or any kind of water bodies in this particular corner. You can keep gold fish in the aquariums as this is the symbol of wealth. Apart from aquariums or real water bodies hanging posters of the same will also do.


3. As per the Feng Shui principle, mirrors are said to enhance the flow of Chi in some areas. So in the lower middle of the ba-gua corner you can also place a mirror for better results. Mirror placement helps the Chi to flow around smoothly.




4. Feng Shui is dead against the theory of piling up of unwanted things in your room or any portion of the house. This obstructs the flow of Chi in that particular area. Now if the wealth corner is the entrance of your house, then be sure not to stack your shoes or footwear in that particular area. It will be a good idea to have a shoe rack placed at the entrance of your house so as not to block the flow of Chi.

5. If the career corner is situated at the entrance and there is a flight of stairs facing the doorway, then it is not a very good sign. Houses which are designed in such a manner can solve out the problem in the following ways:


a. it is advisable to place a mirror at the top of the flight of stairs, as it redirects the flow of Chi.

b. the Chinese people believes that stairs facing the doorway signifies money, wealth and fame going down the stairs and thus out of the house. So it is good to have crystal balls hung in between the steps. If not crystal balls, plants are also another alternative.


Feng Shui Plants

6. For some houses, the career corner is situated in the front entrance, while for some other houses it is situated in some other area. If the career corner is situated in some place else other than the entrance door, then it is advisable to follow the above steps and enhance the flow of Chi in that particular area so as to make the maximum out of it.





The principle of Feng Shui examines how the placement of things and objects within our house affects the energy flow and also how these objects interact and influence our personal energy flow. Thus, you can use the principles of a Feng Shui reading in rooms to position your furniture and interior décor in such a manner so that it maximizes the positive influences and minimizes the negative ones.


So try out the Feng Shui calculator and get instant reports to make the most out of your career and job.


This article was tagged : Water, Feng shui, Career, Ba gua, Chi
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