Future So Bright

Chinese Horoscope 2017 For The Dragon Zodiac Sign

Article posted on June 15, 2014 and it has been read by 38038 people

Chinese 2017 horoscope for the Dragon sign gives you an insightful look as to how the coming Year of the Goat - 2017 will be for people under this zodiac sign.


Dragon Horoscope 2017The word that best describes the Year of the Green Wood Sheep for the Dragon animal sign is intense. The Dragon horoscope 2017 predicts that everything from your career, relationships to your health will be tested. But you are ready to rise to the occasion. Just be careful not to let your emotions get the better of you.


While you may feel the need to rush in with guns blazing in 2017, you have to take a step back and examine the situation first. You may not be used to this approach but it will be in your best interest in 2017. It’s important for the Dragon animal sign to consider all of the consequences of their actions before steamrolling ahead and doing something they may regret later.


Career & Business

There is no better place to heed this advice than at your job. Chinese horoscope 2017 forecasts that it seems no matter what the Dragon do, no matter how hard you work, none of the right people are noticing. It’s easy to get angry and let your emotions out, but the office is not the right place. Keep your feelings to yourself and continue to work hard. Focus on your goals and you will eventually get to where you want to be.


Money & Finance

The status of your wealth will fluctuate as much as your emotions, so it’s important to keep an eye on it. While some weeks it will seem as if you have a lot left over, other weeks will come in much shorter. Try to save more than spend in 2017 and you’ll be able to keep things more even, forecasts the Dragon 2017 predictions.



This is also good advice for your love life. With emotions running high your romances will be more intense than usual. If committed, you will want to spend more time and energy on your partner. If single, you are ready to commit yourself to one person. Either way, the Chinese new year 2017 predictions ask you to try and not to lose yourself too much in other people.



Because it will be difficult for you to hold your tongue, your stress levels will be on the rise. Be careful not to do any comfort eating or fall into bad habits such as not sleeping. The Year of the Dragon 2017 predictions rightly suggests that rest and relaxation will be imperative to maintaining mental and physical well-being. So focus on those things that make you happy.



2017 Chinese horoscope foretells that family relationships might deteriorate. To make sure that doesn’t happen, pay more attention to family matters. Some of those closest to you will start to pull away without saying why. It’s time to cut loose those who don’t truly care about you. While it won’t be easy, you don’t have time to spend with anyone who doesn’t have your best interests at heart.



A weekend getaway or a vacation from work will do just that. Take a trip to somewhere you’ve never been before and expand your horizons. Meeting new people and seeing new places will give you a fresh perspective on your situation, foretells the 2017 Dragon horoscope. Just make sure you don’t go overboard in your spending for that will only add to your stress.


2017 Chinese horoscope predictions for Dragon finally suggest you learn to control your stress. This means finding an outlet where you can effectively express your feelings. Try doing something creative that helps you to sort out your emotional state. Getting out some of that intensity will keep you grounded and aid in clearing your mind of harmful thoughts. Do whatever it takes to remain calm and concentrate on those things that keep up your spirits.


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