Future So Bright
Psychotherapist Vs Psychologist
Updated: September 12, 2012
Read: 9738 Times
This article is in no way intended to prove which one between psychotherapist and psychologist is better and more effective. Since both the methods of psychological healing have their individual way of treatment and medication.  more..
Mind Control & Inferiority Complex
Updated: August 6, 2012
Read: 7173 Times
Inferiority complex is the declining of an individual's own estimation of himself. A feeling of humbleness, misery gradually starts developing within him and he feels that he is left to live all alone in this big family.  more..
Psychology Tips For Your Daily Life
Updated: July 10, 2012
Read: 6716 Times
If you feel that you have absolutely lost control over your day to day routine, do not throw tantrums or be upset! You can always learn to survive the daily grind. Let us discuss about some ways to help you do it and survive.  more..
Human Psychology And Anxiety
Updated: July 6, 2012
Read: 8274 Times
Anxiety is an exaggerated tension, with several common side effects. Anxiety is basically a psychological effect, although certain physical illnesses such as epilepsy or cardiac troubles do cause anxiety.  more..