Future So Bright

Levels in Zodiac Compatibility

Article posted on July 21, 2012 and it has been read by 12162 people

Love, relations and marriage in general are very sensitive and personal issues for all human beings. A happy love life is very essential for leading a peaceful and successful life. This is for sure the most desired feeling for every one of us. But, a look at the world around us reveals that not all individuals are leading a happy and peaceful love life and not holding hands with their soul mates.




Love and marriage are the two basic things in our lives that tend to fascinate us very easily. Through the study of astrology the position, placement and movement of the different planets with respect to our natal chart gives a clear insight into our love life. We can learn a lot about ourselves and our partners.


Compatibility and love are synonymous terms. Love depends much on the manner how the two persons involved in a particular relationship get along with each other. A certain quality or trait of your which seems to be attracting to you today may turn disgusting and intolerable tomorrow.




Thus in order to check out the level and degree of compatibility between couples the studies of zodiac astrology is an indispensable factor. Zodiac astrology helps you have an insight about the basic characteristic traits that you possess as an individual. It also gives a detailed report on how well you will be able to carry on your relationship with your partner - your compatibility and love ranking. The Compatibility Report of a couple is derived from the analytical study of their horoscopes and this is possible only with the study of this particular branch of astrology.


All the signs, houses and planets in an individual's natal chart have certain powers associated with them. The strength of the planet depends on the house it occupies and the aspects it makes. Along with the power component, each planet also has a harmony component.




A relationship compatibility test helps one analyze his/ her relationships based on the planetary positions at the time of birth. This calculates the degree of compatibility between the partners at four basic levels.

This article was tagged : Financial, Sexual, Compatibility, Astrology, Relation, Emotional
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