Future So Bright

Mayan Animal - The Xibkay aka Lizard

Article posted on November 24, 2012 and it has been read by 7199 people

Mayan Animal Xibkay aka LizardDue to its ability to change color within a blink of an eye, Lizard is associated with duplicity and confusion in Mayan astrology. While hunting, lizard changes colors to get what it wants. In a likewise manner, people of this animal sign can easily confuse others by sheer tactfulness to achieve their desired goal. But that does not mean that you are deceitful and prone to backbiting. You can be clever play a few tricks but can never be dishonest. It is difficult for others to realize you or even describe you in proper terms. As a result, you can be misunderstood or misinterpreted in a distasteful way. You are overtly sensitive to your environment and even the slightest change can not escape your observation.



This article was tagged : Mayan zodiac, Maya, Xibkay, Lizard, Mayan animal
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