One of the best known and approved methods of alternative healing is Crystal Healing. It is an age old belief that crystals possess certain properties and energies which are good for human health. more..
Palmistry, or chiromancy, has been practiced for thousand of years. The left hand is the hand we are born with; the right hand is the hand we make. So it is suggested that you analyze your Right Hand FIRST and then your Left Hand. more..
An important astrological factor is the ‘rising sign’, i.e. the sign of the zodiac that is on the horizon at the time of birth. Along with the sun sign the ascendant too determines our personality. more..
Gemini is the zodiac with a double sign. A certain amount of duality is very much apparent in the pure Geminean. Know more about the true Gemini personality in this article. more..
Get 2016 Capricorn Horoscope predictions for love, money, career, health, travel and family. Find out how 2016 will be for the Capricorn zodiac sign. more..
The Tarot deck has been used since time immemorial for revealing the hidden truths. But before attempting to read the tarot deck and predicting the future, it is very necessary to learn tarot reading. more..
The Cancer Horoscope for 2017 predicts that there could be a general development in all parts of your life. This is a very good year in all respects. more..
The Horse 2017 horoscope gives you detailed zodiac predictions for 2017 - Year of the Sheep for people under this Chinese astrology sign. Read on to know more! more..
A personality test shows the kinds of person you are.Try this fun tests like the color personality test, masculine feminine quiz and desert test today and understand yourself better! more..
The psychological nature of the pure Cancer is rather like the physical nature of the crab - a hard outer shell conceals an inner interior that is soft and vulnerable to injury. Know the Cancerians better. more..
Business name or Company name is the tag by which it is recognized. It reveals the nature of the product dealt with and more importantly, if the right business name along with its right image is chosen, then success is inevitable! more..
Stress, strains, tensions and depression, all are part of our daily lives. But the question is can psychic powers and abilities help us cure depression? A concrete and a definite relationship exists between depression and the spiritual growth. more..
Get free food and diet advice for 2017, 2016 with these free online food horoscopes. Find out about the favorite dishes for the 12 zodiac signs. more..
The 2016 Scorpio health horoscope predictions warn you of sexual illness and infections of the urinary tract. Get your Scorpio horoscopes right away! more..
Marriage lines are also known as the 'Lines of Union' or Lines of Affection' and are found to be situated between the base of the little finger and the heart line. They reveal very accurately the relationship which will leave an impression on the life of an individual. more..
A personality test assessment helps you analyze people on the basis of different personality types. Let us look at six personality tests that would unravel your complex and true personality. more..