Future So Bright
Numerology And Sexuality With A Difference
Updated: September 13, 2013
Read: 35478 Times
Numerology deals with numbers from 1 to 9. Numbers relate to a pattern of energies and vibrations, which in turn is related to the sexuality of human beings. Find you Sexuality Number in 2016  more..
5 Alternative Healing Techniques
Updated: July 13, 2012
Read: 8823 Times
People have since long adopted many alternative medicine methods and practice some self help techniques such as reflexology, crystal healing, Panch Tatva, music therapy, hypnosis, yoga and meditation.  more..
Weight Loss And Astrology
Updated: May 7, 2013
Read: 16166 Times
Can astrology help in weight loss programs. Experienced astrologers across the world feel, yes, astrology can help people in this field.  more..
What Is Cardinal Points Astrology?
Updated: February 9, 2013
Read: 15537 Times
The four cardinal points in your birth chart (Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, Nadir) have a strong influence on various aspects of an individual’s life.  more..
Choose Your Education With Astrology
Updated: July 23, 2012
Read: 8548 Times
Education, as per the ancient ages, comprises the learning of the Vedas, Sastras, medicine, sciences, music and subjects related to economy. The following article discusses those auspicious moments related to education.  more..
5 Secrets To Being Healthy
Updated: January 3, 2013
Read: 11177 Times
Health is wealth. But are you healthy? You can earn billions, but you cannot earn back the health that is lost. Read the easy health tips now.  more..
Astrology Guide To Dating
Updated: July 25, 2012
Read: 10329 Times
Astrology dating is defined as the art of generating the results whether two people are the perfect match for each other or not. Astrologers read the natal charts of both the individuals & focus on the planetary positions at the time of birth.  more..
Popular Alternative Medicine Therapies
Updated: July 13, 2012
Read: 9717 Times
Since ancient ages people have been using healing with herbal treatments, acupuncture, yoga & meditation, massages, energy therapies etc. which are the common alternative medicines.  more..
Cancer Horoscope – Yearly Astrology for 2017
Updated: May 26, 2013
Read: 30394 Times
The Cancer Horoscope for 2017 predicts that there could be a general development in all parts of your life. This is a very good year in all respects.  more..
Birthstones For The Months – January To June
Updated: July 16, 2012
Read: 5451 Times
Birthstones is prevalent since ancient times. Unlike the astral gems, the birthstones are not linked to the zodiac astrology; birthstones are dependent on the birth month of an individual.  more..
What’s Your Personal Address Numerology
Updated: July 3, 2012
Read: 7292 Times
Our home address numbers, which is commonly known as Personal Address Number can be used to indicate your hopes, dreams and desires. It also indicates the type of energies and qualities you have within you.  more..
Fortune Telling With Runes Reading
Updated: May 3, 2013
Read: 15267 Times
Making prophecies have always been associated as an important role of runes. There are numerous and different ways in reading runes as are also the way of casting and reading in any divinatory system.  more..
Vedic Divisional Charts - Vargas
Updated: July 10, 2012
Read: 11709 Times
Vargas is based on the assumption that planets increase or decrease in their capacity to produce good or inflict bad, in a horoscope, according to their particular positions within a sign. These divisions are known as Vargas or divisional charts.  more..
What Is Asteroid Astrology?
Updated: January 23, 2013
Read: 13471 Times
Asteroids in astrology is a subject of interest in recent times. Asteroids in the 12 zodiac signs too represent different aspects of your personality.  more..
The Complete Divination Dictionary
Updated: August 10, 2012
Read: 5748 Times
The art of foretelling the future with the help of psychic powers and supernatural ability is known as Divination. It is one of the most widely used and common practices of the past, present and also a part of future telling.  more..
Numerology & Your Inner Dreams
Updated: August 2, 2012
Read: 14312 Times
Inner Dreams Number is an important aspect of numerology. It helps you understand your inner self and your subconscious mind desires. This number is so strong that you can even call it to be a ‘Personality Mask’.  more..
Yoga For Elderly People
Updated: July 6, 2012
Read: 9113 Times
Yoga and its practices do not know any age. People from practically all age groups can practice and learn yoga. Yoga helps the elderly people to relax, prevent stiffness in the joints and attain mental awareness and alertness.  more..
2017 Pisces Horoscope - Yearly Astrology
Updated: April 3, 2018
Read: 36633 Times
Get free 2017 astrology predictions for the Pisces zodiac sign. Know how your life will be in terms of career, finance, love, health, family, travel and more.  more..
Love & Sex Horoscope 2017
Updated: June 26, 2013
Read: 21065 Times
Get free love horoscopes for 2017 for all the 12 zodiac signs in seconds! Know how compatible you will be in your relationship with your partner or spouse.  more..
2016 Monthly Horoscope For Gemini
Updated: April 17, 2014
Read: 73962 Times
NEW - 2016 May horoscopes! Gemini monthly horoscopes 2016 foretell about the coming year for the Gemini zodiac sign. Find out what the year has in store for you and the changes you will need to undergo.  more..