Future So Bright
Concept Of Illusion In Astrology
Updated: December 7, 2012
Read: 9410 Times
The concept of Maya is well linked to the Vedic astrology by the means of Arudha Lagna (Ascendant) and Arudha Pada. Arudha Lagna deals with how you are seen by others and your physical possessions.  more..
Lagna In Vedic Astrology
Updated: December 2, 2012
Read: 12743 Times
The term Lagna or Ascendant means, the constellation which was rising at the eastern horizon at an individual’s place of birth and at his time of birth. The Rising Sign signifies the individual’s personal self and his physical body.  more..
Animal Astrology Signs Revisited
Updated: December 1, 2012
Read: 21162 Times
Animal zodiac systems are very popular all over the world. Let us take a look at some of the other popular animal astrology signs like Mayan, Celtic, Native American animal zodiac and other animal totems.  more..
Popular Animal Zodiac Astrology
Updated: November 30, 2012
Read: 14441 Times
Zodiac signs are used almost by everyone. Most of the civilization assigned the names of Gods to the signs. But certain civilizations assigned the names of animals. Noteworthy are the Chinese Zodiac, Japanese and Burmese zodiac animal signs.  more..
Mayan Animal - The Xibkay aka Lizard
Updated: November 24, 2012
Read: 7194 Times
Know more about the Mayan animal - Xibkay (aka Lizard). What animal best describes you as per Mayan astrology? Find out what your Mayan animal zodiac sign is today.  more..
Astrology & Sports
Updated: September 12, 2012
Read: 6512 Times
The term ‘sports astrology’ may sound unusual, is extremely relevant and highly pertinent to sports and games. Let’s understand the concept of the sports astrology first.  more..
Astrology To Determine A Woman’s Fertility Period
Updated: August 23, 2012
Read: 49332 Times
For many women, fertility and pregnancy are vital issues. According to the research done using the lunar phase cycle, it was found that if you were born on a full moon, then each month you will be fertile on the full moon.  more..
Aquarius Zodiac Sign - The Water Carrier
Updated: August 23, 2012
Read: 12883 Times
Aquarians love liberty, personal freedom and bossing over others. Their approach to life is very unconventional. The greatest problem with Aquarius is that they do not know where to stop.  more..
Astrological Influence On Politics
Updated: August 23, 2012
Read: 8315 Times
Political astrology deals with politics, the government and the political laws. Although it may sound surprising, but it is a fact, that certain countries have their astrologers prepare the nations’ astrological chart just like a person’s natal chart.  more..
Aries: Pets For Your Zodiac
Updated: August 8, 2012
Read: 9909 Times
Some keep pets for protection, some for companionship, while some others are just passionate about pets. This article gives an overview of the suitable pet for the first sign of the zodiac - the Aries.  more..
Libra - The Balance: Zodiac Personality
Updated: August 6, 2012
Read: 12775 Times
Almost everything needs to be 'weighed in the balance' for the pure Libran. Apart form the Librans, no other astrological sign has such a strong sense of balance, justice and fair play.  more..
How To Find Genuine Astrologers
Updated: August 3, 2012
Read: 6191 Times
Predictions related to personal and professional issues can be very expensive. For the purpose of finding out a genuine astrologer to help you out in times of crisis, the following things need to be noted.  more..
Cancer - The Crab - Zodiac Personality
Updated: August 3, 2012
Read: 13481 Times
The psychological nature of the pure Cancer is rather like the physical nature of the crab - a hard outer shell conceals an inner interior that is soft and vulnerable to injury. Know the Cancerians better.  more..
Sharpen Your Astrology Skills
Updated: August 2, 2012
Read: 8166 Times
Astrology is a science that compromises of foretelling of the regular movement of planets, the fortunes and misfortunes of men, fates of nation, earthquakes, plagues, volcanic eruptions and other incidents.  more..
Sagittarius Zodiac - The Archer
Updated: July 31, 2012
Read: 9793 Times
All pure Sagittarius have enormous potential, but by no means do all of them display the qualities in their early lives. Along with their carelessness, they have a freedom-loving personality and an open and generous heart.  more..
Health Predictions With Astrology
Updated: July 31, 2012
Read: 18209 Times
Basically, as per the concept of Health Astrology, human health conditions are revealed and analyzed through the movement of astrological signs, the planets, stars and their placement with the help of our natal charts.  more..
Gemini Zodiac Sign Personality
Updated: July 31, 2012
Read: 10607 Times
Gemini is the zodiac with a double sign. A certain amount of duality is very much apparent in the pure Geminean. Know more about the true Gemini personality in this article.  more..
Astrology Predictions For Sports
Updated: July 27, 2012
Read: 6553 Times
Horary astrology allows predictions in the sports field apart from the mundane predictions related to the various domains of life. This article gives an overview of the rules that need to be followed for the purpose of wining a game.  more..
Holidays For The Zodiac
Updated: July 25, 2012
Read: 8270 Times
This article gives an overview of the essential astrological principles governing the holiday spots and activities of the different signs under the zodiac.  more..
Choose Your Education With Astrology
Updated: July 23, 2012
Read: 8647 Times
Education, as per the ancient ages, comprises the learning of the Vedas, Sastras, medicine, sciences, music and subjects related to economy. The following article discusses those auspicious moments related to education.  more..