Astrology horoscope analysis and forecast can help a person tremendously. Get to know your personality from different angles such as Tibetan zodiac, Roman, Aztec, Native American and African astrology. more..
Vargas is based on the assumption that planets increase or decrease in their capacity to produce good or inflict bad, in a horoscope, according to their particular positions within a sign. These divisions are known as Vargas or divisional charts. more..
Astral gemstones have effect on human beings to waive off the adverse effects from an individual’s life, provided the stones are real. Know more about the qualities and benefits of wearing powerful zodiac gemstones. more..
Chinese astrologers believe that the entire universe is based on numeric principles and calculations; as such numbers are of great significance. It is the name of your baby that is important for the new born as well as the couple. more..
Political astrology deals with politics, the government and the political laws. Although it may sound surprising, but it is a fact, that certain countries have their astrologers prepare the nations’ astrological chart just like a person’s natal chart. more..
Some keep pets for protection, some for companionship, while some others are just passionate about pets. This article gives an overview of the suitable pet for the first sign of the zodiac - the Aries. more..
Adolf Hitler was born in the cusp of Aries and Taurus zodiac signs. Find out how astrology can influence the personality of an individual throughout his lifetime. more..
Gorgeous and alien are the keywords, which best describes the kind of pets the Leo people prefer to keep. The Leo pets have to be elegant by nature but at the same time it should also possess a childish heart. more..
Zodiac signs have always been an inevitable part of astrology. Each civilization and later each country has developed different forms of astrology signs. more..
What is Western astrology? What is the meaning of Zodiac Signs, Houses, Aspects, Decanates, Dignities and planetary positions? Read on to know more about the basics of Western or Tropical Astrology. more..
The concept of Maya is well linked to the Vedic astrology by the means of Arudha Lagna (Ascendant) and Arudha Pada. Arudha Lagna deals with how you are seen by others and your physical possessions. more..
If you have an Aries child and wondering how to take care of him or her, then read the below 2016 forecasts for the Aries children to understand your little one better. more..
Astrology is a science that compromises of foretelling of the regular movement of planets, the fortunes and misfortunes of men, fates of nation, earthquakes, plagues, volcanic eruptions and other incidents. more..
Gemini is the zodiac with a double sign. A certain amount of duality is very much apparent in the pure Geminean. Know more about the true Gemini personality in this article. more..
Vedic Fortune Tellers have been used since ancient times for predicting the future. Read on to know about Hindu fortune tellers such as Ram Prashnavali, Hanuman Chalisa and Nakshatra Predictions. more..
Zodiac signs are used almost by everyone. Most of the civilization assigned the names of Gods to the signs. But certain civilizations assigned the names of animals. Noteworthy are the Chinese Zodiac, Japanese and Burmese zodiac animal signs. more..
Know more about the Mayan animal - Xibkay (aka Lizard). What animal best describes you as per Mayan astrology? Find out what your Mayan animal zodiac sign is today. more..
Aspects in astrology along with decanates and fixed star predictions explain your current and future life to a much greater extent. Read on to know more in detail about these advanced astrological predictions. more..