Future So Bright
How Much Should I Weigh?
Updated: December 21, 2013
Read: 9966 Times
How much should I weigh? Get instant answers and easy health tips in this article. Know how online health and calories calculators can help you maintain the ideal weight.  more..
Pagan Culture - Rites And Rituals
Updated: November 15, 2012
Read: 5072 Times
Pagan and the Wiccan community too have their own religious festivals, rites and rituals. Pagan Gods and goddesses played an important role in the lives of people who follow this path.  more..
3 Unique Personality Tests
Updated: December 11, 2012
Read: 11498 Times
A personality test shows the kinds of person you are.Try this fun tests like the color personality test, masculine feminine quiz and desert test today and understand yourself better!  more..
Unleash Your Hidden Psychic Abilities
Updated: August 4, 2012
Read: 8754 Times
People possessing unnatural powers are termed as Psychics. There are different kinds and levels of psychic ability which vary with every individual. To what extent he/she wants to develop the ability depends upon him or her.  more..
Birthstones For The Months – January To June
Updated: July 16, 2012
Read: 5451 Times
Birthstones is prevalent since ancient times. Unlike the astral gems, the birthstones are not linked to the zodiac astrology; birthstones are dependent on the birth month of an individual.  more..
5 Secrets To Being Healthy
Updated: January 3, 2013
Read: 11177 Times
Health is wealth. But are you healthy? You can earn billions, but you cannot earn back the health that is lost. Read the easy health tips now.  more..
Top 5 Modern Lifestyle Diseases In 2017
Updated: August 4, 2013
Read: 12242 Times
Obesity, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Cancer, Depression are some of the modern lifestyle diseases in today’s world. Read on to know more about the causes and effects of such life threatening illnesses in 2017.  more..
Chakra Balancing For Kundalini Awakening
Updated: December 21, 2012
Read: 10218 Times
Kundalini awakening is the process in which a person by means of yoga and other mind control exercises raises the coiled Kundalini Shakti from Muladhara chakra to Sahasrara chakra at the top.  more..
Learn To Interpret Dreams
Updated: August 8, 2012
Read: 8693 Times
Dreams are considered to be a mirror of our sub-conscious mind - our inner soul. As dreams are related to reality, so it is very necessary that we understand and interpret the meaning of the dreams.  more..
Mind Control & Inferiority Complex
Updated: August 6, 2012
Read: 7174 Times
Inferiority complex is the declining of an individual's own estimation of himself. A feeling of humbleness, misery gradually starts developing within him and he feels that he is left to live all alone in this big family.  more..
3 Natural Healing Remedies
Updated: December 7, 2012
Read: 9304 Times
Naturopathy and holistic healing methods propose that treatment should not target the physical body needs, but also the psychological, spiritual and social needs of the body. Read about 3 popular alternative healing therapies.  more..
Enhance Your Relationship With Aromatherapy
Updated: August 23, 2012
Read: 9653 Times
Love and romance can be made better in totally new ways with just a few drops of the aromatic essential oils accompanied with imagination. Enhancing self confidence and self esteem are the prime focus of aromatherapy blends.  more..
Find Your Enneagram Personality Type
Updated: December 15, 2012
Read: 8890 Times
The Enneagram describes the nine different ways of relating in intimacy and business. The nine personalities are part of a human development model called the ‘Enneagram’.  more..
Protect Yourself From Psychic Scams
Updated: December 21, 2013
Read: 6534 Times
Along with the rising interest in the various forms of mysticism, different versions of psychic scams are also being practiced; the common aim of all scammers being, to trick you into giving them your money, and that too one time amounts.  more..
Use Your Psychic Abilities To Cure Depression
Updated: July 5, 2012
Read: 7942 Times
Stress, strains, tensions and depression, all are part of our daily lives. But the question is can psychic powers and abilities help us cure depression? A concrete and a definite relationship exists between depression and the spiritual growth.  more..
Angels And Demons
Updated: February 4, 2013
Read: 31296 Times
Guardian angels and angel numbers are your spirit guides in this world. Find out who your guardian angels are and what messages they have for you.  more..
Fortune Telling With Runes Reading
Updated: May 3, 2013
Read: 15267 Times
Making prophecies have always been associated as an important role of runes. There are numerous and different ways in reading runes as are also the way of casting and reading in any divinatory system.  more..
Easy Aromatherapy Tips For Acne Treatment
Updated: June 29, 2012
Read: 8901 Times
Acnes are types of skin diseases caused by the blockage of the skin pores. If you are looking for an effective and a long lasting acne treatment, then aromatherapy and the essential oils are possibly the best solutions for you.  more..
Child Care Made Easy With Homeopathy
Updated: May 16, 2013
Read: 9633 Times
One of the most ideal and effective system of medication for the children and babies is Homeopathy. Homeopathy is said to work faster on children and can be used instead of allopathy.  more..
Will Power & Mind Control
Updated: July 21, 2012
Read: 8061 Times
Mind, the storehouse of our feelings and emotions, is very difficult, though not impossible for us to control. It takes a great deal of skill, alertness, sense of humor, goodness of heart, sense of strategy and patience to control the mind.  more..