Future So Bright

2016 Monthly Horoscope For Taurus

Article posted on April 17, 2014 and it has been read by 75751 people

Taurus monthly horoscopes forecast how each month of the coming year will turn out for the Taureans. Know more about love, marriage, health, wealth for this year. Find out how each month in 2016 will affect your life. Be prepared for the coming year with these online monthly Taurus horoscopes.


Taurus 2016 Horoscopes
January (2016)

February (2016)

March (2016) April (2016) May (2016) June
July August September October November December


5 Taurus May Horoscope 2016


Monthly predictions for Taurus zodiac sign for May 2016 forecasts that all your targets will be achieved without much effort and the month will be ideal for setting your goals in life. Whatever you wish will happen. You can venture into new horizons and you will have all the strength and capacity to complete them.


Taurus 2016 love forecast indicates that new relationships are likely. People in committed relationships will see further progress in the bonding. For singles, there will be plenty of romance and passion during the month.


Career takes a back seat during the month over personal requirements. If you are contemplating a change in your job, you may go ahead.


Financial astrology prospects point to a drastic increase in earnings. Whatever ventures you start will be profitable. It is time to take global factors into account in your business.


Taurus May Horoscope 2016 predicts that health is excellent and all the previous ailments will disappear. But make sure that you do not forget your exercise and diet regime.


Relations with family will be peaceful.

4 Taurus April Horoscope 2016


Taureans should be prepared to face all types of hardships as per the Taurus April 2016 Horoscope. It is important to be mentally stable and wait for things to calm down. You may feel that you are not getting any help from other people.


Career predictions for April 2016 forecast that you should carry on with your hard work and success will follow in due course.


Financial astrology foretells that speculative investments will be profitable. There will be enough income to take care of your expenses.


taurus 2016


Taurus love horoscope 2016 predicts that unmarried people will be successful in building new relationships with ease.


Health matters require your serious attention during April 2016. Take enough breaks and try to keep fit.


Taurus zodiac sign will be busy with their work schedule and will have a tough time to care for their families. Things will improve in the latter half of April 2016 and happiness prevails.

3 Taurus March Horoscope 2016


March 2016 Taurus horoscope forecasts that speed will be the main force behind all your actions during the month. You have to be cautious that you will not end up making mistakes due to the hasty actions. Religion and emotions will occupy your attention to a large extent. Decide what you want from life and you will definitely get it.


Financial predictions warns you to desist from taking decisions on monetary matters without applying your mind thoroughly. Second half of March 2016 will be better for investments.


Career forecasts are favorable and you will find peace at work place and your superiors will appreciate your hard work.


Love matters will be lively with full of passion. Do not make the mistake of getting hooked on an impulse, without thinking.


Health will improve drastically during the month compared to previous months. Check your ambition to indulge in adventure sports.


Family affairs require a lot of patience on your side while dealing with children. Listen to them and be clear in what you expect from them.

2 Taurus February Horoscope 2016


February 2016 will be momentous in bringing all round cheer. Major changes are likely to happen both in your finances and career. Be flexible and accept changes as they come. There will be plenty of recognition and rewards during the month as fate smiles on you. Foreign travel is on the cards.


Financially, do expect lot of money to pour in through investments or loans. You will have enough money to clear your outstanding loans. Proper budgeting of your finances will be necessary.


The Taurus February 2016 career astrology predictions indicate that on the career front, significant changes are likely. You will see major changes in the organization structure and offers for a new job will have to be decided after due diligence.


Love and Romance forecasts for February 2016 for Taurus sun sign shows that you will be searching for true love during the month and you have to be positive in your outlook. Enough fun is at hand.


Health is a bit dicey during the first half of the month and sufficient rest is necessary to stay in shape.


Taurus family horoscope predicts that enough financial assistance can be obtained from your life partner and search for a new residence may be successful.

1 Taurus January Horoscope 2016


January 2016 Taurus horoscope predicts that this month will be essentially very good on both career and domestic fronts. Career will be excellent. Family life will be blissful. Finances will be stable.

TaurusLove will be satisfactory and your loved one will be your source of support and inspiration.

Taureans will need to hold their tongue with their colleagues and bosses. Wait for the right time before you make your opinions known.

Finance astrology predictions 2016 for Taurus forecasts that in January, money will not be an issue.  

Health is good for the Taurus star sign according to the January health horoscope but be careful while driving.

January 2016 travel horoscope warns you to postpone all your travel plans for the coming month.

Do not let others push you around, be it family or friends. Family will prove to be supportive and understand your decisions.

12 Taurus December Horoscope 2017


taurus sun signTaurus 2017 December horoscope forecasts an excellent month in terms of career, health and finance. Control your finances. Health will be excellent. Keep up your fitness regime. Your family and partner will give you total support in all your personal and professional ventures.


The 2017 love astrology predictions forecast that you will enjoy a good relationship with your partner or spouse. Understandings and maturity will help you seal this bond. 


Progress in career and business is expected in the coming month. Promotions, salary hikes, job changes, more responsibilities are on the cards.


The 2017 Taurus money horoscope for December predicts excellent income and earnings. Do not go overboard with your spending. This is a good time to put away some money for the rain day.


You might go out on a long journey to a distant place for religious or spiritual purpose.


Health and wellbeing for the Taureans will be good. Take care of your bones and joints.


Relationships with family and friends will be good. You can expect them to stand by you through thick and thin.

11 Taurus November Horoscope 2017


Taurus Horoscope 20162017 November horoscope for Taurus is positive. Progress in career will be excellent n November 2017. Health will be good. Love affairs will be passionate.

Love life for the Taurus sun sign will be exciting and full of pleasure. You will spend quality time with your partner. Pamper him or her with a surprise and be assured of total commitment.

Career 2017 horoscope predicts excellent growth for the Taureans. You will surely get hikes in salary and promotions. This is also a good time to start new ventures and job changes.

Financial planning needs to be don’t with a lot of care. Do not invest money in financial schemes without detailed investigation.

Overall health predictions do not show any major problems. But you will need to take extra care of your joints, bones and stomach.

Family vacations to exotic destinations might give you the much needed break in November 2017.

Family time and celebrations will be at a peak this month. Entertaining friends and family will give you a lot of pleasure.

10 Taurus October Horoscope 2017

The Taurus October 2017 horoscope predicts an overall good month if you are ready to overcome certain sudden developments. Health will be good. Career and money might be a bit challenging.


Taurus October 2017 HoroscopeThe Taurus zodiac people will make extra effort to make relationships work this month. Expect harmony and happiness in your marriage. Singles will give a new meaning to Taurus love compatibility with other zodiac signs.

Taurus career predictions forecast that there might be small problems in work or business. Put in some extra effort to complete the tasks on hand.

Taurus finance horoscope for October 2017 predicts a difficult month. But with a control on your spending, you will get through the month with no problems.

This is a good month to go on a vacation with family away from the stress and strain of your professional life.

Health forecasts are excellent for this month provided you keep up your workout regime.

Your family will support you in your work related decisions.

9 Taurus September Horoscope 2017


Taurus AstrologyTaurus 2017 September astrology predicts lot of activity on the professional front. Love and family might be affected.

Flings and short term love affairs are on the cards. Do not expect any serious commitment.

This is going to be a very busy month with respect to your career. You may get a promotion or be appreciated by your seniors.

Financial forecast is excellent. You might plan to renovate your home or buy some expensive items.

Health will be good for Taureans in September 2017. But expect some trouble with your bones and joints.

Social outings and gatherings will keep you busy throughout the month.

Expect some trouble on the family front. Be patient and cool and things will soon get sorted out.

8 Taurus August Horoscope 2017


August 2017 for the Taurus will be good with respect to work and money. Love may suffer. Relations with family will need to be strengthened. Health needs some looking after.

Relationships and sexual pleasures may become dull. Couples in a new relationship will face adjustments problems. Try out something new to add fire to your relationship.

Taurus Bull 2017 2016You need to change your attitude if you wish to succeed in your career or business ventures. Do not delay in making important professional decisions.

Finance and money will be good this month for the Taurus star sign. This is a good time to review your financial planning for 2017.

It would be better to avoid any travelling this month.

Physical fitness is a must for the Taureans this month. The right diet is the key to a health existence.

Learn to relate to your children instead of scolding them.

7 Taurus July Horoscope 2017


July 2017 horoscope for the Taurus zodiac sign predicts that this month will be a time for planning and preparing yourself for the coming months. Things may be a bit slow on all fronts, but just take it in your stride and move on. This is a time when you should focus on improving your mental and spiritual faculties.

Love preTaurus Zodiac 2017 2016dictions 2017 for the Taurus forecasts that things will be a bit rough this month. But there is nothing to worry.  Love and romance related fights and arguments will not last long.

On the career front work will be terribly hectic in July 2017. You will be able to focus well at work and achieve laurels. You may also think of shifting jobs towards the end of the month.

The 2017 finance horoscope predicts that money will be very good for the Taurus astrology sign in July 2017. Your horoscope chart predicts that you should make money now and save for the future.

This is the best month to have some fun. So go on that vacation you had planned. Spend some fun time with your partner.

Health will be excellent for the Taurus in July 2017. But that does not mean that you overindulge yourself.  Look out for  like diabetes risk, heart attack and cholesterol related diseases.

It is essential that you spend more time with your family. Peace at home will only be possible if you try to understand the issues that are causing problems with your family members.

6 Taurus June Horoscope 2017


June 2017 will continue to being a good month for the Taurus other than some minor changes in career and finance. Make use of the opportunities to your advantage. You will be inclined towards spiritual healing and spend some time in awakening your Chakras.

Taurus Monthly HoroscopesTaurus love horoscope for June 2017 predicts that this is a good month for love and romance. You will get the undivided attention of your partner. Do not let go of this wonderful opportunity to give a deeper meaning to your relationship.

Career and professional success is guaranteed this month. Your patience will pay off with a salary hike or promotion.

Financial prosperity is on the cards. This month you will give deep thought to changing your ways of financial savings. You may also receive some unexpected wealth.

You many go for a short vacation with your partner this month.

Healthwise June 2017 is good for the Taureans. If you have been thinking of some cosmetic treatment, you can go ahead with it this month. Your dreams will warn you about future happenings. So be careful and note down your dreams.

Your family will require your support as some members may be going through hard times. Parents may face problems in marriage. Friends may indulge in some unwanted arguments.

May 2017


Taurus monthly horoscope predictions for May 2017 forecasts that the Taureans should take it easy this month and concentrate on self development. Do not lose peace of mind to attain success in career.

In the beginning of May 2017, you might be psychologically troubled but towards the end of the month your love and romantic life will improve. You will enjoy the pleasures of being in a relationship to the core. Sex for Taurus will reach an all time high.

Career promotions will take a backseat this month for the Taurus zodiac. This is the right time for you to mentally visualize and dream of your future goals.

Taurus weekly horoscope for May 2017 predicts that this will be a good month. Both income and expenses will be high. You will indulge in some expensive personal shopping as well.

Mental tensions may be high. So a relaxing vacation with friends and family will do you a lot of good.

Health predictions are favourable if you do not take too much stress in your career and work. If your profession demands too much of your attention, then your health may be affected.

Compatibility with family will improve from last month and you will get the total support of everyone.

Taurus astrology predictions for May 2017 seem to be beneficial in all aspects of life.


April 2017


April 2017 will be a period of growth for the Taurus zodiac sign. This is a period of spiritual growth and progress. Be careful not to get addicted to nicotine, alcohol or drugs.

Love and relationships will continue to be difficult this month. Do not get into any kind of disagreements with your loved one and be more patient in your communication. Do not forget to show your love and affection thus building your bond.

Career and job forecasts ask you to be patient. Hard work is the only key to success. Think twice before acting or be prepared for the future consequences.

Financial predictions forecast by the Taurus daily horoscope for 2017 are positive this month. Try to postpone all important monetary decisions towards the end of the month.

You may go out for a small vacation with friends and family. Going to some kind of holistic healing place can also improve your frame of mind.

Health astrology forecast is excellent for this month. But it can be made better with regular exercise and proper food habits. Spiritual healing and alternative therapy will prove to be very helpful.

Family life will be a bit disturbed as there may be some disagreements.

March 2017


March 2017 astrology for Taurus foretells that the coming month will bring you experiences of a new kind. You will be successful in whatever you start. People will look upto you.

Taurus Astrology 2017Love and marriage will be good in the beginning of the month. But it will be a testing time for relationships towards the end of March 2017. Faith and trust between couples will be the only way your relationship will succeed.  

Concentrate on your career. You may need to make more effort to achieve your goals. You may also get involved in charitable activities.

Taurus financial predictions for March 2017 are based on your intuition. You will come into more riches but also realize that this may due to divine intervention more than personal abilities. Do not make dead investments.

Religious trips are on the cards for the Taurus star sign. You will be inclined towards spiritual and divine activities.

Health horoscope predicts that your health will be good but natural rejuvenation can work wonders. Pay attention to your wellbeing and do not take it for granted.

You will share a good relationship with family members. Do not get upset by minor disputes.


February 2017


February 2017 Taurus predictions forecast that this month will be full of priorities. You will need to make important decisions with an unbiased mind. Spiritual dreams will be fulfilled this month.

Love horoscope for February 2017 is full of new opportunities. Make the most out of it.

You will do well in your job and be successful in achieving your professional targets. Lot of group activities will take place on your work front.

Money or financial constraints will get better this month. Certain investments may turn out to be fruitful.

Travel for business will be profitable.

Overall health is excellent but that doesn’t mean you exert yourself. A balanced diet is a must. Some kind of alternative therapy may be needed for your bones and joints.

You will have a happening social life and will be able to please your loved ones. You will become independent and not depend on others.

Chinese New Year 2017 Predictions
January 2017


2017 Taurus January horoscope predicts that this will be a good month for the Taurus sun sign. Overall you will be happy and strive to fulfil your targets.

Taurus Monthly HoroscopeLove and marriage analysis is extremely favourable. All your relationships will be smooth and romantic. Your charm will woo your partner into accepting you with all your faults. The Taurus sex appeal will naturally disarm your partner.

Career and jobs will be fruitful. Harmony with co-workers is essential. Think from your mind and not with your heart. You may get the opportunity to learn something new on the job. Business deals may not go through this month.

The January career horoscope predicts that stress on the work front may give you some health issues to worry about. Maintain a balanced lifestyle with proper nutritious diet and physical exercise.

Money will be difficult so do not spend unnecessarily.

According to Taurus astrology, a romantic travel or vacation with your spouse can spice up your relationship.

On the home and family front, learn to listen to your loved ones rather than force your decisions onto them.



Click Here >> Chinese Taurus Snake Horoscope 2017


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This article was tagged : Taurus, Horoscopes, Monthly horoscope, Taurus 2015
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