Future So Bright

2016 Monthly Horoscope For Aquarius

Article posted on April 17, 2014 and it has been read by 66722 people

Aquarius monthly horoscope gives you an overview of how the coming months are going to turn out. Know how good or bad your love life, health, wealth and career prospects will be in the coming future.


Aquarius 2016 Horoscopes
January (2016)

February (2016)

March (2016) April (2016) May (2016) June
July August September October November December


5 Aquarius May Horoscope 2016


May 2016 will be a highly challenging period for Aquarius sun sign born people as per forecast for the month. It is time to avoid leakages of mental energy and concentrate on using it for positive purposes.  This is not the time to be aggressive in your approach to life. Allow things to take their natural course. Domestic matters will be dominant over other matters.


Aquarius May Horoscope 2016 forecasts that unmarried people will have very good opportunities to get into new affairs and will have abundance of fun and enjoyment.


Prospects for starting new business ventures are superb during May 2016. Change of job for the employed is likely.


Financial astrology horoscope indicates a volatile but highly powerful month for money matters. Risky investments will yield good profits.


Health predictions suggest that fitness will be weak during the first half of the month. Do not try to take all the responsibilities yourself and try to relax as much as possible.


Family people will have delightful relationships with their spouses during the second half of the month.  There will be lot of freshness and joy in married life.

4 Aquarius April Horoscope 2016


April 2016 Horoscope for Aquarius predicts that achieving psychological strength should be the top priority during the month. You will move forward in life by positive thinking. You should take it easy during the first half of the month. Try to have friendly relationships with neighbors and donate money for helping the poor.


Monetary position for the Aquarius sun sign will be comfortable provided you control your unnecessary expenditure. April 2016 is not suitable for making investments.


2016 April career predictions forecast that plenty of jobs are available throughout the month. You should be selective, and select a job which allows you enough time to be with your family.





Love astrology for Aquarius indicates that you will get into relationship during the first half of the month.


Health will be fragile during the month of April 2016. You have to tone up both physical and mental aspects by proper dieting and sufficient relaxation. Health might be a bit dicey. Do not let stress and strain spoil your mood and health.

First half of the month is troublesome for married couples. Your family will be sympathetic with your spouse. Harmony prevails in the end.

3 Aquarius March Horoscope 2016


March 2016 Aquarius horoscope forecasts that this month will be hectic but you will have all the energy and dynamism to keep things on the move in life. Domestic and emotional aspects should be areas of your action. It is necessary to define your goals in life and work on them with the cooperation of other people.

Monetary position will be extremely beneficial and you will get all the support from your family and associates.

Career Horoscope suggests a busy schedule and lot of tension will be generated due to profession and business activities.

Love Astrology predicts an unsound state of affairs. There is a good chance that you will find love while pursuing your profession or business.

Health predictions foretell that you will be subjected to undue pressures from the career side and you will have to concentrate on important issues and let other things pass.

On the family front, concentrate more on your children and their emotional problems. There will be enough turbulence and lot of patience is required to handle the instability.

2 Aquarius February Horoscope 2016


February 2016 Horoscope for Aquarius predicts that you will overhaul all your problems during the month. Look forward to a thrilling but demanding month. The month is favorable for starting new projects.


2016 Aquarius Financial astrology suggests that your social contacts and family will encourage your ventures. Focus on the major aspects of money matters.


Love horoscope for February 2016 forecasts a major shakeup in relations. Married people may look for new partners and singles may end up getting married during the month.


Health will be dicey and diet pattern requires to be changed after cleansing the body.


Family members will be highly supportive and you may move into a new residence or redesign your present house to a bigger one.

1 Aquarius January Horoscope 2016


Aquarius zodiac sign predictions for January 2016 forecast a fulfilling month. But think twice before making any kind of commitment both on your personal and professional front. Love will be satisfying. Finances will need to be handled with care.

AquariusJanuary 2016 love astrology forecasts a peaceful month with a lot of understanding from both of you. Singles might find their soulmate.

Career horoscope 2016 predicts that you will make great progress in your business and job provided you make some extra effort.

Financial horoscope predicts that you will need to have a budget in place if you wish to make your money last.

It is advisable to avoid all kinds of travels or vacations in January 2016.

You will not suffer from any major ailments but you might feel lethargic and tired all the time. Yoga and meditation can help you overcome loss of interest in daily issues. Do not indulge in unhealthy eating. 

Offer full support to all your friends and family. You never know when you might need their help.

12 Aquarius December Horoscope 2017


2017 Aquarius2017 December will be an excellent month, forecasts the 2017 Aquarius horoscope. Career will be progressive. Finances will be excellent. Relations with friends and family will be good. Love will be spiritual in nature. You may go on a vacation. Health will be positive.

Love forecasts for 2017 December for the Aquarius predicts a month of confusion and chaos. Spiritual compatibility becomes most important in relationships.

Career and business 2017 predictions are excellent for the Aquarians. Do not give up at the last moment. Business will thrive.

Financial earning will increase for the Aquarius, according to their 2017 financial predictions. But remember to control your spending and not go overboard.

A thrilling trip with your friends is on the cards in December 2017.

Do not forget to maintain a regular exercise regime if you wish to be blessed with good health.

Keeping in touch with the right kind of people will prove to be beneficial for you mentally. Some property issues might get resolved.

11 Aquarius November Horoscope 2017


November 2017 Aquarius HoroscopeThe Aquarius zodiac sign will have a ball this month according to the November 2017 Aquarius horoscope. Progress in career is predicted. Finances will be excellent. Love will be full of surprises.

An intense and passionate love life is predicted for the Aquarians this month. Lust, sex and pleasures will go hand in hand. Marriages and relationships will be tested.

Career predictions forecast that achieving goals and targets on the work front will be easy. Your work will be appreciated.

Financial horoscope for Aquarians predicts a profitable month. You will make some extra income this month. You will think about investing in property.

You might plan a spiritual journey or a trip to a holy place this month.

Health will be delicate in the beginning of the month. Relax and rejuvenate when possible.

Patience is the key to solving issues with family and relatives. You will be the peacemaker in certain situations.

10 Aquarius October Horoscope 2017

Aquarius 2017 October horoscope forecasts that this month will be full of challenges and pleasures. Love life will be fulfilling but difficult. Money will be tight. Business deals will be successful. Health will need some looking after.

Aquarius October HoroscopeLove horoscope for the Aquarians predicts a romantic month. Your partner will make the ideal partner but be prepared for some tiffs. Sex will play a very important role in your relationships.

Career and business opportunities will be ample in October 2017. Your contacts and networking will prove to be very useful.

The Aquarius October 2017 financial horoscope predicts that expenses will be on a rise this month.

Travel for business is on the cards.

Health will be fine overall but needs some extra care towards the end of the month. Spiritual awakening will help keep your mind calm.

Parents, children and spouse will help you achieve your goals. Keep your calm in difficult situations.

9 Aquarius September Horoscope 2017


Love and relationships will be excellent. Career related decisions will become clearer. Travel to holy places can be planned. Overindulgence in all aspects needs to be controlled according to the Aquarius September 2017 horoscope.

Aquarius September Horoscope 2017 2016The Aquarius love horoscope forecasts that you need to be prepared for the good and bad sides of love. Love your partner but do not become obsessive as this may break your relationship. Aquarius sexual desires will be high.

Career and professional decisions have been affected by Mercury retrograde. So take it easy and start afresh this month. Patience is the key to success.

Do not overspend and indulge yourself. Be wise in your speculation and investments. Control your urge to invest in get rich quick schemes.

Spiritual and religious travel can happen in September 2017.

Health astrology predictions for September are excellent. You will be blessed with vigour and vitality. This is an excellent period to go on a detoxification diet.

You will spend excellent time with family and indulge your loved ones.

8 Aquarius August Horoscope 2017


August 2017 horoscope for the Aquarius sun sign predicts that this will be an overall calm and peaceful month. Relations with spouse, family and friends will be good. Work pressure may be extreme but your income too will be on a rise this month. Health tensions too are not visible.

Aquarius Zodiac 2017Love and romance will bloom for this zodiac sign in August. You will have an understanding partner who will support you in all your decisions. Pampering your partner with gifts and dinners will help improve your relationship.

The career forecast for August 2017 predicts that this will be a very busy month on the work front. Expect a lot of pressure. Learn to handle your seniors and juniors with diplomacy. Your energy levels will be very high and this will reflect in your job and business dealings.

2017 finance forecast is great for this month. Your earnings will improve but your expenses too will rise.

Travelling for pleasure or business might take a back seat this month.

Make sure to take care of your health. Even though nothing serious may happen, it will do you good to maintain a regular health regime and nutritious diet. Control your extra energy and vigour by meditation and physical exercises so that you are mentally happy.

Family and socializing will be at an all time high. Parties will be never ending. Overall this will be a dynamic month.

7 Aquarius July Horoscope 2017


July 2017 will be a neutral month for the Aquarius zodiac sign, so predicts the 2017 Aquarius forecast. It may be a bit slow at the beginning of the month, but towards the end of the month, things will improve. Luck will favor you this month in all aspects of your life.


Aquarius Astrology 2017 2016The Aquarius love horoscope predicts that you will find love from unexpected quarters. Marriage and weddings are on the cards. Be prepared to deal with adverse situations that may arise in your marital relations.


The 2017 job horoscope predictions forecast that extra effort and patience is required on your part if you wish to be successful in July 2017. Love affairs at work can happen this month. Career and business will progress well.


Finances will be good in July 2017 according to the Aquarius money horoscope. You will achieve stability in work which will reflect in your financial dealings.


Ups and downs in your health are predicted for July 2017. You will make major changes to your lifestyle and food habits that may be a bit challenging in the beginning. Insomnia or lack of sleep may be the cause for most of your ailments. Being physically fit will be a top priority for the Aquarians.


Travelling and socializing with loved ones can prove beneficial for the Aquarius zodiac sign in July 2017.


According to your horoscope reading, the end of the month will prove to be more fruitful with respect to improving bonds with family.


6 Aquarius June Horoscope 2017


Aquarius Monthly HoroscopesJune 2017 for the Aquarians is a period of relaxation and leisure. You will plan for the year ahead and at the same time enjoy life to the maximum. Proper planning along with the right implementation is the key to your success.

Love and friendships will be affected this month. Patience is the key to a successful long-lasting relationship. This is also a good time to get pregnant for females planning to have babies.

There will be changes on your job front too. Corporate hierarchy and company policies may undergo dramatic transformations. Work prolife too may be changed. Change of jobs is predicted in the Aquarius June 2017 monthly horoscope. You may also seal some profitable business deals.

Finance forecast is excellent for the Aquarius star sign. But that does not mean going overboard.Do not indulge yourself by spending on items that you do not need.

Travel to distant and exotic lands cannot be ruled out.

Health astrology predictions are favourable for June 2017. Your renewed energy will affect everyone around you into leading an active and energetic life.


Your domestic life with family will be filled with happiness. Your children, parents and spouse will offer you total support in all your ideas and activities. You may have guests coming home too.

May 2017


May 2017 Aquarius horoscope predicts a month of meditation and coming to terms with reality. Concentrate on the matters on hand and spend quality time with family.

Aquarius Zodiac SignRelations with partner or spouse may be delicate. Your words may be misinterpreted. Love at work is possible if you have your eye on a colleague. Singles will try to find the perfect partner but will be scared of getting into a serious relationship.

Career predictions for the Aquarians warns you to be careful at work. Your attention and focus may be diverted thus causing you to make silly mistakes.

Finance forecast for May 2017 is not too bright. You may have some kind of argument with your spouse on money matters.

You may decide to go on a pilgrimage or take a spiritual vacation.

Health needs a little bit of care especially illness related to stress for people of the Aquarius sun sign. You can try some alternative healing therapies to relax your mind.

This is a good time to concentrate your energies on your family. You can relax at home and come to terms with your emotions and inhibitions. You may have to attend a social gathering against your wishes.

April 2017


Aquarius Love AstrologyApril 2017 for the Aquarius sun sign predicts a need for stability in everything you do. You will not be in a rush to achieve your goals but think about the matter before coming to a conclusion.

Love and romance will become more serious than just one time love affairs and flings. Married couples will develop deeper understanding between each other. Emotional and mental like-mindedness is more important than just physical compatibility.

Work and job predictions for April 2017 is positive. Your work will be appreciated by your seniors. Your problem solving abilities will be tested both for professionals as well as businessmen.

Finances in April 2017 for the Aquarians get much better than the previous months. More than the increase in income, it’s your intuitive financial decisions and strategy that makes you monetarily stable.

Travel horoscope for the Aquarius zodiac sign predicts a lot of business related travel this month. A sudden vacation with family too may be on the cards.

Health will be stable but you need to relax your mind. Spiritual meditation and natural healing techniques can give you a lot of mental peace.

Relations with siblings can be a bit strained. Your family will make you proud with their achievements.

March 2017


Aquarius 2017 horoscope predictions for March 2017 forecast that your vigour and vitality will help you achieve your goals with ease. This is a period of development, learning and testing your skills, and moving forward at a fast pace.


Love and romance will take a passionate turn. You may find someone who is like-minded at your work place or some educational institution. Sexually  Aquarius sign will be highly active this month.


Aquarius AstrologyOn the career front, Aquarians will be extremely successful in their jobs and fulfil all their projects smoothly. There is a good scope for successful joint ventures in business deals. Your creative ideas will come to the forefront.


Aquarius Finance horoscope is also excellent. You will get money from different sources. A pay hike is also on the cards. Your financial planning too will pay off.


Travel, vacations, journeys, short and long trips will happen throughout the month. Your positive influence will inspire people around you.


You will now tend to concentrate more on your mental development. Take part in yogic and Pranic meditation and other methods of spiritual healing like awakening your 7 chakras. Control your talking and aggression with people since your high vitality can leave you with no sleep.


Family life will be exceptional since you will make extra efforts in communicating with your loved ones. You will invest in new appliances and gadgets for the family and the Aquarian fashion sense will come to the forefront.

February 2017


February 2017 for the Aquarius sun sign starts off on a personal positive note. This month you will concentrate on taking care of your health, beauty and personal appearance.


Aquarius Horoscope 2017You will be lucky to have a loving partner who will adore you totally. Just don't let the Aquarian sexual aggression come in the way of true emotional bonding. Singles should control the intensity of love and not be hasty.


You will need to be focused and stable if you want your dreams to come true. Mediation and spiritual healing can help you concentrate better on your current job. Business opportunities will be many.


Aquarius star sign financial horoscope foretells that you money will be of no object this month. You will just need to find the right ways to invest. Earning will be excellent.


Travel plans will be made this month for a family vacation. Spend quality time with your parents, spouse and children.


Health forecast is excellent and you will be full of energy the whole month. Physical exercise and sports is a good way of utilizing your excess energy. Do not overdo your physical activity or this may have adverse effects.


Family and friends will share good relations with you. Avoid useless disagreements with your spouse. Your positive thinking will help people solve their marital problems.

January 2017


Aquarius Monthly HoroscopeJanuary 2017 forecast for the Aquarius zodiac sign will be the start of pleasant and improved relations. You will be able to overcome your negative and reckless thoughts and move forward in a more focused manner.

Love matters will worry you throughout this month. The compatibility between your partner and you will be tested. Now is the time to make amends and try to understand each other’s viewpoint.


Career and employment will be productive. You will learn as well as share your newfound knowledge with your co-workers. Business men may think of expanding their establishment.

You will need to take your finances into control and plan for the future. Expenses will be more than the income. Planning a budget in advance will be helpful.

Travel for pleasure is predicted. So make the most of your romantic vacation with your spouse.

Health predictions forecast is good other than common ailments like cold and fever. Keep yourself warm and avoid indulging in food that may hamper your health. Relax your mind with some mental exercises like meditation.

You will share a healthy relationship with all members of your family. Do not get into unnecessary disputes and fights with siblings.



Click Here >> Chinese Aquarius Tiger Horoscope 2017


Monthly Horoscopes For The 12 Zodiac Signs
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This article was tagged : Aquarius, Horoscopes, Monthly horoscope, 2015
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