Future So Bright

2016 Monthly Horoscope For Pisces

Article posted on April 17, 2014 and it has been read by 88707 people

Pisces monthly horoscopes for 2016 gives astrological predictions from January to December of the coming year. Find out how the Pisceans are going to score in terms of love, relationships, health, money, travel, career and family.


Pisces 2016 Horoscopes
January (2016)

February (2016)

March (2016) April (2016) May (2016) June
July August September October November December


5 Pisces May Horoscope 2016


Forecasts for people born under Pisces zodiac for the month of May 2016 suggests that they should focus on maintaining their psychological strength to deal with tough situations. You should be diplomatic in dealing with others. The month is also favorable for enlarging your social circle and trying out new ideas and projects.


Love astrology predictions for unmarried people suggest that they will find their partners in known circles. They will have to face the unpredictability of their mates.


Career horoscope foretells that people in sales and marketing will get chances to use their practical thoughts to promote new products.


Pisces May Horoscope 2016 predicts that financially May 2016 will be highly productive and your savings will grow considerably.


Health astrology prospects are delightful till 20th of May 2016. After that conserve your energy for useful purposes and have more breaks to refresh yourself.


In family affairs you have to be more tolerant, and should not be upset easily by the comments and behavior of close relatives. Avoid all conflicts with your spouse and children.

4 Pisces April Horoscope 2016


April 2016 Pisces horoscope forecasts that domestic and psychological affairs will dominate the month. You will be delighted with your achievements and the speed with which they happen. Planets are in your favor and whatever targets you set, you will be able to complete them.

Professional horoscope for Pisces zodiac sign foretells problems at the work place. You will feel that your efforts are not being appreciated, and you are not getting the returns.

Financial predictions for April 2016 point to a healthy monetary flow. Your friends and family will be supportive on money matters.  Postpone your investment propositions to the second half of the month.


Love and relations astrology suggests that physical aspect of love will prevail in relationships. Single people will form new relationships. Both married and unmarried people expect financial support from their life partners.



Health will be superb during April 2016. A strict regimen of diet and exercise will help in keeping up your physical fitness. Develop emotional strength to face difficulties in day today life.


Your domestic life will be blissful in April 2016. Lot of social engagements will keep you busy this month.

3 Pisces March Horoscope 2016


Pisces horoscope for March 2016 foretells of focus on family affairs and mental stability. There will be abundance of energy and dynamism, and you can decide on what you want in life. There will be enough momentum to progress in life and accomplish your new ventures.

Financial astrology predicts extra money falling into your kitty because of your career as well as from family inheritance. Spend money on marketing and promotions of your products. Investments will yield good returns.

Career forecasts are bright during the month but will be on the back burner for the present.

Love Horoscope suggests drastic improvement in your affairs and you will be able to attract love with your personal charm.

Health will be splendid throughout the month with lot of vitality and zeal.

There will be enough romance and happiness in the family and your spouse will shower extra attention on you forecasts the 2016 March predictions.

2 Pisces February Horoscope 2016


Astrological forecast for Pisces for February 2016 indicate that you should concentrate more on family and domestic matters. Life will be full of vigor and this is the time for making a course correction to suit your ideals. There will be significant developments in your objectives in life.


2016 February Pisces Career forecast predicts that your profession is secure and does not require your intervention for the time being. However any plans to change job can be carried out.


Financial affairs will be fully under the command for Pisces zodiac people and you can invest money in new ventures.


Love affairs see a cooling off period during February 2016. This is only a transitional phenomenon.


2016 Pisces health predictions suggest that you will have extraordinary physical fitness this month.


Family issues require your attention and planning. But this month is not auspicious for executing your plans.

1 Pisces January Horoscope 2016


January 2016 horoscope for Pisces predicts a month full of new opportunities. Being positive is the key to happiness for this zodiac sign in this month. You will make unexpected money. Progress in career is expected. Love will be exciting. Health will be positive.

Pisces HoroscopeExpect to have an interesting love life in January 2016. Romance predictions foresee new chances of meeting the right person. People already in relationships will have a lovely time with their partner.

Success will be yours, provided you do not have low self esteem. People in jobs and business will do well in all ventures and deals with the right thinking and focus.

Plan your finances for the future before it is too late. Some previous investment will pay you handsome returns.

Maintain a healthy diet for an illness-free month. You will need to plan a regular exercise regime if you wish to remain physically fit in January 2016 warn your health astrology forecasts.

Be careful while going on any kind of travel. Plan your vacations before you leave on a journey with your loved ones.

Children will fare well in education. You might have some misunderstandings with friends or relatives.  

12 Pisces December Horoscope 2017


2016 Pisces HoroscopeDecember 2017 Pisces horoscope predicts a month of spirituality and mental consciousness. Good health and fitness go hand in hand. Love will be blissful. You will need to work hard to make your financial circumstances better. Control your expenses. Work harder and all your dreams and goals will be fulfilled.

Love horoscope 2017 for Pisces sun sign forecasts a month of pleasures with your partner. You will find new love in the coming month. Pisces sexual needs will increase this month. Be sure to respect your spouse's likes and dislikes.

Work and career will need more than the normal effort you put in. Business men will face some delay in projects. Do not let go of new opportunities for growth in your profession.

Financial astrology predictions for December 2017, show a difficult month. You will need to find new ways to generate more income. Do not put money in any quick rich schemes.

Travel to a new place with family and friends can improve your perception of looking at the world around you.

Do not forget to pursue your daily exercise regime in December 2017, if you wish to be free from ailments of any sort.

Relationships with friends and relatives might be dicey. The 2017 December horoscope forecasts that there might be minor misunderstandings with close people. You will be deeply inclined towards spiritual awakening.

11 Pisces November Horoscope 2017


Pisces Horoscope 2017November 2017 will be a month of good and bad memories for the Pisceans. Good communication is needed if you wish to be successful. Expect a lot of expenses. Career will be satisfactory. Love life will be demanding foretells the 2017 Pisces horoscope for November.

The Pisces November 2017 love horoscope forecasts that you need to take the initiative in your relationships. Do not wait for your partner or spouse to come running to you.

Progress in your business or job will be positive. Your ideas will be implemented and appreciated. The retrograde planets in your birth chart can create some problems in the beginning of the month but towards the end everything will be fine.

Financial horoscope predicts excessive spending. You can be monetarily stable only if you keep a tab on your expenses. Unexpected income will come your way.

Travel predictions forecast a long vacation or business trip this month. Take time to spend time with your loved ones and family.

Take good care of your health. Avoid too much of socializing and unhealthy food especially towards the end of the month. Going for a detox session will do you good.

Family and friends will take a back seat. Do not get into unwanted disagreements with your relatives as this will serve no purpose.

10 Pisces October Horoscope 2017


October 2017 will be an emotional month for the Pisces zodiac sign. Be sure of your actions and do not try to make someone else a scapegoat for your actions. Do not be distracted by putting your mind to different things at the same time.

2017 Pisces October HoroscopeLove and romance will be at an all time high for the Pisceans. Pisces sexual chemistry with their partners will be fantastic.

Work and professional life will be tough according to the October 2017 Pisces horoscope. Your character might be questioned if you are not too careful.

Finances and money horoscope shows that you will take some risks when it comes to investment. You can invest wisely in gold.

Travel and trips to far off places is on the cards.

Health predictions for Pisces in October 2017 is excellent. This is a good month to start on an exercise routine to get the perfect figure.

Family and spouse will be very supportive with your decisions.

9 Pisces September Horoscope 2017

September 2017 will be an excellent month for the Pisceans in terms of professional growth. Money and travel will prove to be favourable. Health needs a little bit of taking care. Love will be stressful.

Pisces September Horoscope 2017 2016Love and romance astrology forecasts predict that September might be a special month for people in love but there might be some complications too. Some special effort on your part will make your relationship stronger. Sexual desires for Pisceans will increase towards the end of the month.

Pisces people will have excellent prospects at work in this month. Your unique and new ideas will impress your colleagues and seniors.

Travel is on the cards with family and friends. The planetary stars forecast a relaxing vacation or short trip.

Monetary predictions too seem to be favourable. Your investments will yield profitable dividends.

Health and well being might be affected this month according to the 2017 Pisces September horoscope. You need to boost your energy. Try some alternative healing methods to enhance your weak body and mind. Anxiety and mood swings will need to be controlled.

Family and relatives will need your special attention. Learn to take their moods and tempers in your stride and move on.

8 Pisces August Horoscope 2017


August 2017 is an excellent period for the Pisces to start achieving the targets that they have planned for the coming year. Love, career, money and health will be fantastic. Expect a lot of activity in your personal and professional life.


Pisces Monthlyy Horoscope August 20172017 love predictions for the Pisces is very good. Someone you love will return your love and there is scope for your relationship to go to the next level. Love, romance and serious relationship commitment is on the cards.


On the job front, Pisceans will be awarded and appreciated for their professional commitment and loyalty. Your hard work will help you rise up the corporate ladder faster than you ever imagined.


Money and finance astrology forecast for the Pisces zodiac sign is positive. Your investments like deposits and mutual funds will give you highly profitable returns. But do not spend more than you earn. If you are planning to buy property, it is advisable that you take a deep look into the papers before finalizing the deal.


Travelling is predicted for August 2017. You will spend more time with close ones and make them feel wanted.


Family and home life will be excellent. You will enjoy your time with your family and friends. Socializing and parties will keep you busy in August 2017.

7 Pisces July Horoscope 2017


July 2017 will turn out to be an exciting month for the Pisceans. The 2017 forecast for Pisces predicts that you will find happiness this month in love, career and family. Money may be a bit tight but progress in work is guaranteed. Career prospects will improve this month.

Pisces Zodiac 2017 2016Love, romance and passion will go hand in hand for the Pisces this month. So make the most of your relationship with your partner. Your birth chart predicts that your communication skills will improve this month.

Career predictions for July 2017 foretell that work and business will be rewarding. Your efforts will be appreciated on your job front. Job changes are also predicted.

The 2017 money horoscopes forecast a tough month. Quitting or changing of jobs can put additional pressure on your monetary position. You will be spending more on your children and family.

The Pisces health horoscope predicts that July 2017 will be an overall good month. You can improve your wellbeing by taking additional preventive measures.

If you are planning on foreign travel, it would be better if you postpone it till the end of the month.

Family horoscope predicts that you will enjoy quality time with family. You will be a social butterfly and go to extreme measures to please your loved ones.


6 Pisces June Horoscope 2017


June 2017 monthly Pisces horoscope forecasts a month of changes on both personal and professional fronts. A change in perspective is required if you wish to find answers to your questions.

Zodiac Love TestRomance and passion will take priority this month. There may be some drama in love relationships.

Work will be exciting for people of the Pisces zodiac sign this month as your job will be mentally invigorating. Professional success in all your projects and business ventures is forecast for June 2017.

The Pisceans will earn well this month. A change in source of income is predicted. Investment in property too can be profitable in the long run.

An adventurous vacation with your loved ones will be the highlight of June 2017. Sea side holidays too can be a lot of fun.

Good health is predicted for the Pisces star sign. Continue your mental and physical exercises and be cured of all minor ailments. Avoid indulging in spicy food and overeating. If you are not careful consumption of drugs and alcohol too may tempt you.

In June 2017 the Pisceans will spend more time with family and loved ones. There may be some unwanted misunderstandings that can be solved if you do not get angry.

May 2017


May 2017 horoscope for the Pisces zodiac sign forecasts that this is the right period to concentrate on intellectual pursuits. You will need to keep your mind active if you wish to be mentally alert.

Pisces Zodiac SymbolYou will need to devote time to love and romantic relationships which may seem difficult this month. But singles and married couples will become more compatible with each other.

Work and job predictions forecast that this month is going to be very hectic for the Pisces. Business related to marketing and advertising will prosper this month. A pay hike or promotion is also on the cards.

Finances will be stable this month. A wrong financial decision will be averted. Try to put away some money for the future.

Holidays and vacations to foreign destinations with friends and family can be a good idea.

Health will be good for the Pisceans, thanks to regular physical exercises. You will need to take precaution against heart ailments. Relaxation with natural herbal healing therapies is an excellent way to relieve stress.

Family life will be calm and peaceful. You will share wonderful relations with parents, siblings and children.

Astrologically, May 2017 for the Pisces astrology sign will be a period of spiritual awakening in different professional and personal aspects.

April 2017


April 2017 Pisces horoscope predicts a materialistic month both financially and on the domestic front. You will come into a lot of money from unexpected sources.

Pisces Love ZodiacThe Pisces love horoscope for April 2017 predicts deep romantic passion between couples. You can look forward to enjoying an exciting month with your partner. Compatibility in relationships will take on a totally different meaning.  

Career astrology predictions for the Pisces zodiac sign is excellent this month. People in salaried jobs can look forward to pay hikes. Business and partnership deals will be profitable.

April 2017 is an excellent month for finances as far as the Pisceans are concerned. Investing in shares and stock market can turn out to be profitable. The Pisces wealth forecast for this month predicts that you will benefit monetarily in all wealth related decisions.

Travel plans to sea side destinations will not only relax people of the Pisces sun sign but also give you quality time to spend with your family.

Overall physical and mental health for April 2017 is positive only because of your own health regime. Mental and emotional health will be stable.

You will have an active social life. Children may need some extra attention. Some arguments with parents are possible.

March 2017


March 2017 predictions for Pisces zodiac sign is the right time to plan for the coming year. Everything will work out the way you want it to this month. So make haste and prepare your strategy with utmost care.

Pisces Monthly Astrology 2017Love, sex and passion will be high this month. The sexual desires of the Pisceans will be more than the previous month but do not overindulge. Understand your partner’s love desires and needs.

Your personal confidence will be high thus motivating you to achieve all your professional goals. The Mars sign in your birth chart can help you go up the corporate ladder or cause you to lose your temper and get involved in confrontations. Business predictions are excellent.

Financial horoscope predicts that this will be a good month for income. You will also spend on buying luxurious items for personal use as well as interiors for your home.


If you planning of travelling, then plan carefully in order to avoid mishaps. 

Health and beauty will take priority this month. You will try out the latest fashions and beauty treatments that make you look a million dollars. Regular physical exercise, Yoga, a balanced diet and a good night’s sleep will bring back the glow on your face.

Pisces will have a wonderful time on the domestic front. You will make all your loved ones happy by buying them expensive presents.

February 2017


Pisces astrology predictions for February 2017 show that you will be involved in many mystical and sacred activities. Charity, volunteering service to others, spiritual inclinations are on a high this month.

Pisces Monthly Love HoroscopeThe Pisces sexual needs will be on the increase this month. Love and romance will be satisfying. Your partner will try to please you to their best capacity. Married couples will have a blissful life trying to make life more exciting.

You will be highly motivated to achieve your goals on the work and professional front. Job opportunities will be excellent and you will be happy working with your colleagues.

Finances may be a bit down this time. But you can make the most out of your income with a little bit of positive thinking and proper financial management.


Frequent travelling on short vacations with family is forecasted for February 2017.

Health will be overall perfect but you can enjoy life to the maximum with a little meditation, Yoga and other holistic therapies. This will improve your mental concentration and at the same time a balanced diet will help you be energetic.

Pisces star sign people will involve their family members in their spiritual deeds. Communications with close people will help improve relationships.

Chinese New Year 2017 Predictions
January 2017


January 2017 Pisces horoscope foretells that this month will bring a mix of good and bad fortune for the Pisces. This is not a month in which you will get results but more like the time frame which will mentally prepare you towards accomplishing your goals. Assess your personality and temperament before starting off on a new venture.

Pisces Monthly HoroscopeLove and joy will go hand in hand. You will be good at understanding and communicating with your partner. Respect for each other too increases this month. The bond of love between lovers will be sealed this month.

Career forecast is excellent for this month. Pisces zodiac people will enjoy the respect and admiration of one and all at their workplace. Your work will earn you laurels and increase your chances of a promotion.

Some kind of financial gains from unexpected sources is possible. Try to finish all your money dealings before the middle of the month.

Travel for crucial reasons will occur. This may be for both work and personal benefit.

Physical health will be satisfactory but the same can’t be said about your mental aggression. Keep your mind in control by yoga and other spiritual healing therapies.

Family and domestic life will be peaceful. You will share good relations with parents, spouse, siblings and children.


Click Here >> Chinese Pisces Rabbit Horoscope 2017


Monthly Horoscopes For The 12 Zodiac Signs
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