Future So Bright

2016 Monthly Horoscope For Sagittarius

Article posted on April 17, 2014 and it has been read by 71624 people

Sagittarius monthly horoscope predictions for 2017 in love, health, career, money and family is available right here. Get a month by month detailed forecast for this zodiac sign.


Sagittarius 2016 Horoscopes
January (2016)

February (2016)

March (2016) April (2016) May (2016) June
July August September October November December


5 Sagittarius May Horoscope 2016


Sagittarius May Horoscope 2016 forecasts that societal and monetary activities dominate over other issues. Though your self-confidence is not up to the mark, your social contacts will make up for the deficiency and progress in life will be significant. Do not try to achieve stability between domestic and professional life as this will lead to more problems.


Love and relationship forecast suggests a turbulent period during the first half of the month. Unmarried individuals will enter into relationship during the last week. Life with spouse will become more enjoyable as the month progresses with lot of parties and entertainment.


Career prospects are bright for the unemployed Sagittarius zodiac sign people. Hard work at the work place will bring in recognition and rewards.


Financial predictions point to a strong May 2016. Speculative investments will be profitable.


Sagittarius Health astrology predicts problems of physical fitness during the latter part of the month. Only remedy for the Sagittarians will be to take sufficient breaks and relax.


Expect to lead an active social life with friends and family. Your relationship with your loved ones will be tested during the first week of May 2016.

4 Sagittarius April Horoscope 2016


Monthly horoscope for Sagittarius for April 2016 indicates that the main areas of interest will be health, family affairs, and entertainment. The month will be trouble free and you will have enough time to socialize and build new contacts. You can also address your psychological health, and forget about your career for the time being.


sagittariusApril 2016 Sagittarius career predictions foretell of a busy schedule on the professional side, and you will be highly innovative in your approach. Unemployed will get jobs easily.


Monetary prospects are bright with money pouring in from your business as well as through risky investments for people of the Sagittarius zodiac sign.


Married people will feel as if they are newly married, and will have lot of fun and excitement. Love astrology suggests that singles will have plenty of opportunities to get into relationships. They will be just for the sake of enjoyment.


April 2016 will have health as its major theme for Sagittarius forecasts your monthly health astrology forecasts. You will update yourself with methods to stay fit by investing time on knowing exercise and diet regimes.


This will be a good month to spend with family and friends. Do not let go of opportunities to mingle with your loved ones.

3 Sagittarius March Horoscope 2016


March 2016 horoscope for Sagittarius will keep up the momentum in achieving your objectives in life. It is time that you take a break from your attention on career goals and divert your attention towards domestic problems. You have to develop new contacts and enjoy social events for a change.


Career Horoscope predicts stagnation on the professional front and you can take a break.


Financial astrology foretells strong March 2016 money wise but do not indulge in speculation.


Love affairs will be frequent but there will not be any culmination into a marriage during the month. Family may be instrumental in getting you new love mates.


Health may require sufficient rest and care during the first half of the month. There will be radical improvement in physical fitness in the second half.


Family members require your care and commitment while giving them freedom. The month is ideal for renovating and decorating the house. Spend more time with the family by partying together.

2 Sagittarius February Horoscope 2016


February 2016 requires Sagittarius people to pay importance to maintain stability on the emotional front. All achievements will be due to social contacts and social grace. Hence do not be unnecessarily aggressive in your approach. Listen to the opinion of others and be cordial with your friends. Major shifts in religious and spiritual beliefs are forecast.


Sagittarius February 2016 job horoscope warns that career issues should be set aside for a while. The time is not auspicious for taking major decisions on professional matters. Students can expect natural changes in their educational career.

Financial position will become complicated during the month for the Sagittarius zodiac sign. More effort is required to earn money. Long term prospects are however bright according to your money astrology predictions.

Health predictions forecast that your well being will receive more attention and you will follow a strict fitness routine to remain in shape.

Family affairs will go into a tail spin during the month but the final outcome will be beneficial to the whole family.

1 Sagittarius January Horoscope 2016


January 2016 will be a happy month for the Sagittarians. Love life will be full of surprises. Work will be satisfactory. Diplomacy is needed if you wish to succeed in life. Finances might be strained predicts the January 2016 Sagittarius horoscope.

Sagittarius HoroscopeSagittarius love predictions 2016 forecast that you are in for some major changes in your relationships. Your partner will make the first move. All you need to do is just reciprocate.

Career and business prospects for the Sagittarius sun sign will be excellent provided you maintain a good working relationship with your boss and colleagues. You will need to make major decisions at work.

Finance horoscope 2016 predicts that things might be a bit difficult due to sudden short term expenses. Maintain a fixed budget if you wish to tide over this month.

There might be travelling this month for both business and personal vacations.

Overall health astrology forecast no problems. You will also make tremendous effort to maintain your figure and be fit.

Some issues on the family front might upset you, but being angry is not the solution.

12 Sagittarius December Horoscope 2017


2016 SagittariusDecember 2017 Sagittarius horoscope predicts that this month is all about planning. Be it your personal or professional life, you need to prepare in advance by making wise decisions. Do not lose hope. You can rest assured that everything will work out in the end.

Love horoscope 2017 forecasts that romance will improve this month for couples in serious relationships. You need to put in some effort to woo your partner. This might be a testing time for some people.

2017 career and business predictions foretell that you will scale new heights provided you have everything charted out. New ventures are on the cards. New projects, promotions, increased job responsibilities are forecasted for this month.

Manage your finances well in December 2017. This will help you in the future. You are also likely to put aside money for your children’s education.

You might travel for holistic healing and treatment to a well known alternative therapy centre.  

Health will improve for all the Sagittarians. Enhance your well being by being active and going for walking, exercising, swimming or cycling regularly.

The Sagittarius 2017 December astrology forecasts also predict that you might have to face some bad news in the family with regards to death, property inheritance or ill health of loved ones.

11 Sagittarius November Horoscope 2017

Sagittarius Horoscope 20172017 November horoscope for Sagittarians predicts a hectic and frenetic month. Career will be demanding. Love relationship might not be fulfilling. Children might need some extra attention. Stress might affect your health.

Retrograde love planets do not help you this month in affairs of the heart. Better to go easy on your relationships. Do not end up spoiling your relationships this month.

Expect a lot of pressure and tension on your work front. Career predictions forecast that work will keep you on your toes throughout this month.

Financial forecasts for 2017 shows that it will be a tight month. Expect a bonus or unexpected income towards the end of the month.

Exploring and travelling to new exotic places is on the cards.

Overall health predictions are excellent. But stress will take its toll on you if you do not take care of your lifestyle.

Children will need your help in important matters. Do try to spare some time for them. Socializing with friends and relatives will help you relax.

10 Sagittarius October Horoscope 2017

October 2017 Sagittarius horoscope forecasts a favorable month with progress in both personal and professional life. Love, career and health will be great. Friends will prove to be your saviors.

Sagittarius October 2017 HoroscopeLove astrology for October 2017 foretells that the Sagittarians will be lucky in love. Singles will find partners in the most unexpected circumstances.

Career and business predictions for Sagittarius predict favorable deals and business ventures. You will be highly energetic on your job and fulfill all your goals.

Money horoscope forecasts excellent income this month. Salaries and income will be raised. Money from investments will be more than your expectations.

Travel for fun or business will keep you busy throughout the month.

Health astrology predicts that overall health will be excellent. But you need to rejuvenate yourself with some means of alternate healing like aromatherapy, massages and crystal therapy.

The Sagittarius will be socially active this month. Be prepared for parties, functions and get-togethers!

9 Sagittarius September Horoscope 2017


Sagittarius horoscope for September 2017 predicts that it will be a difficult month for you but you will achieve success in all your activities. Career will prosper. Social functions and parties will keep you busy this month.

Sagittarius Horoscope 2017 SeptemberThere will be many changes in your love life. Relationship astrology forecasts that your partner will dominate over you thus causing some friction.

Career related decisions from the past months will prove to be favourable for the Sagittarians this month. Retrograde Jupiter in your birth chart will start moving forward now, thus influencing all your professional and business decisions.

Expenses and spending will be at an all time high. Try to make a budget and control unwanted indulgences. Income too may increase this month.

Health needs some looking after in September 2017. It is time you started your physical exercises seriously. Short term illness may crop up.

The Sagittarius travel forecast predicts a group vacation or picnic is an excellent idea for relaxation.

Social obligations will keep you busy throughout this month. This is a good time for the Sagittarius zodiac sign to get to together with loved ones in family functions and parties.

8 Sagittarius August Horoscope 2017


Ambition and dreams will rule the Sagittarius in August 2017. You will do excellently in work and business. Enthusiasm and vigour will help you in love, money and family life.

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope 2017 2016Sagittarians may fall in love in August 2017. Be prepared for flings rather than a serious relationship.

Your hard work will pay off and you are in for a promotion. Business deals and ventures will go through.

Money horoscope for the Sagittarians forecasts a lot of expenses this month. So go easy and don’t spend on unwanted stuff.

Travel for business will result in considerable profits.

Health predictions are favourable. But do not be lazy and start your fitness regime right now.

Home and family life will be harmonious.

7 Sagittarius July Horoscope 2017


July 2017 Sagittarius horoscope predicts that this month will prove to be filled with excitement and happiness. Make most of the positive vibes surrounding you and spread the feeling of joy. Work and career will be good. Love will bloom and so will family relationships.


Sagittarius Zodiac 2017 2016Romance and love relationships will prosper, predict the 2017 love horoscopes. Your partner will understand you better and be more loving. Sexual affairs will be on a rise. Mercury retrograde can create some havoc in your love life.


Professional predictions for July 2017 foretell that you will go to great heights in your career and business. You will need to work harder in order to achieve good results.


2017 financial horoscope forecasts that July 2017 will prove to be stressful for the Sagittarius star sign. Do not spend more than your pockets allow.


Health will be excellent for the Sagittarians in July 2017. The 2017 Sagittarius food horoscope predicts that maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise can prove very beneficial in the long run. Be sure to be careful while driving.


2017 travel horoscope does not foretell of any travelling this month.


Parties with friends and relatives will prove to be enjoyable. Do what makes you most happy, thus spreading the pleasures to your family too.


6 Sagittarius June Horoscope 2017


June 2017 horoscope for the Sagittarius predicts a month of realization and coming to terms with your reality.

Sagittarius Monthly HoroscopesLove and romance for the Sagittarians will bring exciting opportunities. Do not forget to pamper your partner. Married couples might have some misunderstandings.

Work and job predictions for June 2017 will be hectic. Believe in your intuition before making any decisions this month. Do not miss any favourable opportunities.

Money horoscope predicts a stable month with respect to finance. Your earnings will support your expenses. All kinds of financial problems will be taken care of this month. Short term monetary gains will make you rich this month.

Avoid any kind of foreign travel during this month.

Overall health is favourable for the Sagittarius zodiac sign in June 2017. Alternative health remedies will prove to be beneficial for a healthy living. You may face some minor ailments towards the end of the month.

Domestic and family life will take a backseat this month. You will face some serious changes in the way you look at relationships.

June 2017 astrology predictions for the Sagittarius star sign forecasts overall harmony in all aspects of your life. Children may face some problems in studies and learning.

May 2017


Sagittarius May 2017 horoscope foretells a month of good luck and happy occasions. You will be blessed with success in your profession and joy in your personal life. You will start taking things seriously only after the middle of the month, be it career, love, relationships or health.

Sagittarius Horoscope 2017Love forecast for the Sagittarius zodiac sign predicts an exciting romance this month for the unattached. You will look for commitment in your relationships and become serious about marriage.

Sagittarius career horoscope predicts new beginnings in May 2017. Be focussed and approach problems that need to be solved one by one. You will need to work as a team with your co-workers in order to achieve success.

Financial predictions for the Sagittarians shows monetary stability and increase in income. This is a good month to plan your finances for the coming year.

Health will need a little bit of care after excessive indulgence in rich food and late nights. Take a look at your diet and see what kind of food can be avoided. Natural healing remedies are also recommended.

Domestic life with friends and family will be full of happiness. You will get in touch with old friends this month. Overall, this will be a good month full of social engagements.

April 2017


April 2017 for the Sagittarius will be a month of fun and frolic. Do not overdo with the pleasures as you may have to pay a price for it. This is a good month for creative activities.

2017 Sagittarius PredictionsCareer and job opportunities will be excellent for the Sagittarius zodiac sign in April 2017. New opportunities will be on the rise. There are chances of foreign deals going through in business.

Singles will love to mingle this month. But do not take any hasty love related decisions. Married couples can think of starting a family. You will have a great time with your lover.

You will need to control your finances as all the social pleasurable activities can result in overspending. Be careful not to invest in speculative ventures.

You will plan for a romantic vacation that will materialize in the coming months.

Health will be perfect in April 2017. The Sagittarians will be full of energy and spread their good vibes in their surroundings.

You will enjoy your personal life with family and friends. You will tend to pamper your spouse and children this month. Parties and social occasions will keep you busy.

Monthly astrology predictions for April 2017 for the Sagittarius star sign forecast a month of happiness, laughter, professional satisfaction and supportive family life.

March 2017


March 2017 astrology predicts that this will be a month of action for the Sagittarius zodiac sign. You will now be able to build on the planning that you have done in the previous months.

Sagittarius AstrologyLove and sexual relationships for Sagittarius star sign will prosper this month if you make the right moves. You need to come to terms with your past Karma and old relationships that failed in order to be able to appreciate your current partner.

Job opportunities will increase this month. You will be on better terms with your colleagues. Being personally satisfied, this will reflect positively on your work.

Business related deals will be profitable. Save with discretion and do not go overboard with your spending.

Travel for fun is on the cards. You will enjoy being out with family and friends even if it is just a short break.

Health will improve this month. But can deteriorate if you do not follow a healthy lifestyle. A balanced diet, proper food habits and regular physical exercise will help you stay fit as well as improve your mental health.

Sagittarius star sign will now be able to improve your relations with your family. Understand their needs and heart’s desires and be their friend more than an imposing character.

February 2017


February 2017 will be full of good and bad fortunes. On one hand your love life may be very dull, but at the same time you will do well on the career front. Even if you need peoples’ support to fulfil your targets, learn from your experiences.


Love and romance this month may be difficult. Your compatibility with your partner may be questioned. Your mood swings too may affect your relationships.


Sagittarius career forecast for February 2017 predicts that you will need to go by your instincts and not by what the world suggests. New jobs will materialize. 

This month you will seriously need to look into some wealth management rules. Consult people and start saving right now.

Travel this month is bound to work out. This may be for professional or personal reasons or both.

Health predictions too seem to be just about mediocre. You will face some bone related problems and will have to be physically fit. Alternative healing methods will give you a lot of relief.

Relations with family will be just about fair. Do not lose your temper on trivial issues. You will need to keep your calm to keep situations under control.

January 2017


Sagittarius 2017 zodiac predictions forecast that this will be a month of expansion and development. This month is also a good time to improve your personal skills. Luck is in your favour. Work hard and all your dreams will come true.

Sagittarius Monthly HoroscopeLove relations and compatibility with partner will be average this month. You will need to keep your tongue in control if you want to avoid unwanted arguments. Gifting presents to your partners can make the situation better.

Career forecast for Sagittarians is excellent this month with more importance to individual abilities and talent. You will see all your projects to completion and be appreciated for your efforts. Business may need more investment.

Overall financial prediction is good for January 2017. You might even receive money that you have loaned someone and forgotten about.

You may plan a long vacation with family for the coming months.

Health may not be that good for the Sagittarius star sign. You will have to work hard to control your anxiety, stress and tensions else this will result in serious health problems.

You will try to spend quality time with family. But at the same time try not to be dominating as this will just end up spoiling relationships.



Click Here >> Chinese Sagittarius Rat Horoscope 2017


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